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So what is there to know about the Amazing One (that would be me!)

Well this is for me to talk about ... myself! My favourite subject!!! Basically I am a 13 year girl, living in the West Midlands, UK. I enjoy acting, eating cheese, singing, talking, sleeping, enjoying myself, being with my friends, dancing, being in the theatre, writing, reading, Aragorn(Vggo Mortensen) and Tom Felton(Draco in the HP film), playing the piano, watching the telly(sometimes), playing on the internet, making dolls, talking to my online friends and going on my boards!!!!!

So not much really is it!!! I want to be in the theatre business (though I wouldn't complain about doing film and tv work) and it is one of my life's ambitions to write a book!!!

Well I've been wanting to get me a site for ages just so I could ramble about anything really but the first couple of attempts were failures because I had to pay or they were too complicated (I'm such a dense cheapskate!) but then through nummy, I found this website which is easy to use and is FREE!!!!!!!! So here it is, most of teh time I just use it to put up my dolls so it looks like i'm doing something and for hosting images so I can put them on my boards!

Other amazing items of interestation(new word!)
Tweedle deedle deedle dee. Well, I've just come back from Scotland with my school's cadet force doing Adventure Training so if you're wondering what all the strange pictures of me and my friends halfway down (or up) cliffs are, then that's where they come from *grin*.

SO FLAME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(my email)

What am I supposed to put here?
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